Night Rating
Do you worry about getting back before the dark sets in? Why let the sunset dictate when you have to come home after a great days flying!
The night qualification is probably the most enjoyable qualification any aviator can achieve, and the one with the least training time. A minimum of just five hours flight time is required to obtain this qualification.
The qualification allows you to carry passengers at night (subject to certain PPL restriction and currency requirements)- this opens up a whole new world of flying adventures! Flying at night is very different to daylight flying and many find it more enjoyable.
Prior to commencing the course you will need to hold a PPL(A) or LAPL(A), alternatively it can be undertaken whilst training for the PPL(A) or LAPL(A).
To achieve your night rating you will need to complete the following:
Minimum of 5 Hours:
1 Hour Briefing and Night Flying Familiarisation
1 Hour Dual Navigation at Least 50km
2 Hours Circuit Practice
1 Hour 5 Full-stop Solo Circuits